The abusers always blame, the ones they abuse. Not only abusers do damage to their victims, so do others that allow it, participate in it and worse have the audacity to tell the victim "make the best out of a bad situation." That is what Rick the 'Republican Scum Ass' Santorum said to victims of rape. People that think abuse of any kind is acceptable for any reason, need a good dose of it in their own life and their families life. Then and only then, might they understand that hurting and harming another unless in self defense is sick and demented.
We live in a world were lying is acceptable behavior. Where causing pain to another makes others feel good, until it happens to them. In America the right wing extreme christians say they are against abortion because it kills. But they are for wars that kill innocent people. They are for the death penalty that kills innocent people. They kill abortion doctors. They don't want to help mothers once they have the babies. People sure can dish out abuse, but they don't want it dished back at them. Those are Cowards!