The deputy DA rested the people's case yesterday afternoon. Then the public defender did the same. Judge Woods called for a ten minute recess at this time. Standing outside the courtroom Mr. Knudson walked up to us and said "Randy wants to testify." I looked at Sol and we both shook our heads no. I was happy at the outcome so far in the case and so was Sol.
Randy Wolling was charged on Friday Oct 28, 2011 at 2:20am with three counts. Resisting arrest, illegal lodging, and unlawful assembly. He has been occupying a jail cell ever since. The evidence we heard yesterday from Lt David Mitchell and police officer Goebel did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Wollling was guilty. I was in this raid and both these officers lied under oath.
The deputy DA played video's for Lt Mitchell and he could not identify Randy in any of them. These video's were a joke. What an embarrassment for Mitchell. Lt Mitchell claims he knew what all 90 officers were doing and saying the entire night of the raid. All though he could not identify Randy Wolling the man they arrested in these video's. I started laughing to myself when Lt. Mitchell said, the raid team surrounded the food table the night of the raid first, in case we used the food utensils as weapons against the police. That is a LIE! I was sleeping in the medic tent directly next door and they NEVER surrounded the food tent.
Police officer Goebel who arrested Randy Wolling the morning of Oct 28, 2011 took the stand. He again brings up the subject of unsanitary conditions at the civic center. He mentioned the grounds keepers have had a hard time doing there job at civic center. I have been a 24/7 occupier and I have seen the grounds keepers once out there working, until yesterday. They have Not been doing their job! Officer Goebel stated he never personally told Randy Wolling he needed to leave, but he did hear others do that, but could not give their names. Officer Goebel filled out a police report, that was also completed by another officer, he did not know. Officer Goebel never listed in his report Mr. Wolling had his arms locked with others. He never listed in his report any municipal codes Randy broke the law for. He did not type his report or read it afterwards.
Randy Wolling took the stand. He told the people in the room he was called by his Lord to the Occupation. That it was Gods will for him to be there. That he follows Gods will and not man's law. When the deputy DA cross examined him she said "So you follow Gods law and Not man's law." Randy said "No I follow Gods will not mans law." The second time the public defender went to examine Randy, judge Woods continued to over rule everything he asked Randy. The same questions just posed by the deputy DA. It is extremely obvious judge Woods discriminates and does not abide by the oath she took under the constitution.
As I left the courtroom yesterday I was very frustrated. During Randy's testifying he said something that made me laugh. The bailiff came up to me and said, I was being disrespectful to the judge. I was so pissed. I am not sure if Randy should have took the stand, but that was his choice, not mine. I tried to get him bailed out of jail, but due to prior tickets that did not happen. Today court resumes at 9:30am and we should find out the verdict sometime today. I am not a believer, but for my friend Sage I hope his Lord is on his team and finds him innocent so he can leave the confines of a judicial system that stinks of corruption.