Around 4:30pm the camera crews started arriving and setting up, at Freedom Plaza "aka" Civic Center in San Diego. A press release was issued that a candlelight vigil and march were scheduled at 5pm on 12/8/2011. A young lady was setting up an easel in front of the stage. She placed a large handmade greeting card on the easel, and was asking people to sign it. The cards message was to Rep. Issa and had signatures from people wanting Rep. Issa to pass the extended unemployment benefits bill. So more people do not end up on the streets with, no money, homes, jobs, and friends.
The sky was clear and the full moon bright, as Lorena Gonzalez, from the San Diego labor council spoke. She introduced a man name Michael who is an iron worker and has been out of work since Jan. 2011. Michael stated that he had eight more weeks, before his last check would arrive. Michael told us how he has learned to downsize, sell his belongings on craigslist or to a local pawn shop, that stuff does not matter. There are at least 130 iron workers in San Diego without jobs presently.
Lorena Gonzalez was back on the mic and said there were 100's, 1000's and millions of stories about people losing their jobs, homes and lives around the country. Lorena stated "If we can't do it, here is the clergy." Lorena introduced, Rabbi Laurie Koski, to the audience. Laurie Koski said "The heart of San Diego, California, America we touch our hearts for you. We are here to make sure your benefits don't end. We stand behind you and open our hearts." She was passionate about her stance.
Lorena Gonzalez told the audience, calls to congress and people that can extend these benefits would be made. We are here for workers rights and to protect you. At this time she asked people to start lighting their candles. It brought a different aurora to the night. It was time for the silent candlelight march to the federal building and a prayer from a clergyman. Maybe it is time for all clergy, to stand up and speak out for the 99%. Don't they claim to be for the people behind their pulpit like their lord did?