Last night I attended the Safety and Peace Keeper Committee meeting. The topic at hand was the Good Nneighbor Policy and how to effectively implement it into our 24/7 occupation. As I listened to what people were suggesting I heard many good ideas.
The Good Neighbor Policy starts with each of us. We have to implement this policy within our own lives and be responsible and accountable for our actions inside and outside the occupation. This is not an easy task. But if the Good Neighbor Policy doesn't exist within you, or with the main players of the occupation, you won't find it on the outside.
I have been with Occupy San Diego since Oct. 11, 2011. I believe in everything this movement is about. I have lost everything in my life, numerous times due to unethical public servants and people. This movement is supposed to be leaderless, but I see and hear something different. I see the 1% within our own group treating the 99% like corporations do.
One of the ideas a young man brought up last night in our safety/peace keepers meeting was boundaries. He hit the nail on the head. We need to construct a list of boundaries and pledge that people participating in this movement should be aware of. You cannot be a peace keeper if you are not peaceful, wasted, or in an emotional angry state of mind. The Good Neighbor Policy Starts with you.